I hope that one day - with the help of the brilliant work you are doing here (also by means of your research and teaching new generations) - the scales tip favourably into the direction of freedom and the dominance of a culture of flourishing, reform and evolution (mind you, not only in Turkey - we could all use some more of that 🙄😉)... Btw it is so strange that after all these years of fighting for civil rights, equality and democracy (worldwide) we still/again see a backlash when it comes to central values surrounding family and all the different forms of living together in solidarity when the only thing we all have in common as humans is the capacity to love (which I naively want to state) should be enough. But it still seems to be a massive "hit" to fragment and polarise societies instead of fostering a wonderful big "whole" out of the different groups a country consists of... Yes! When these reactionary forces have shown that they just don't do a very good job for the majority and we (the other side) have managed to stem and ultimately reverse the tide of their deceptive narratives maybe we can finally have some progress. Thanks for keeping your substack-community up to date 😊!

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Great insights into current issues in Turkey and a superbly organized article

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